Monday, January 17, 2011

A post delayed

Less than a two weeks ago I set myself to a task, to blog each week of the new year, by tuesday.

I have 3 minutes to finish my goal for this week.  How quickly it is that we be derailed in our goals by reality.

This week has been one of the most intense, challenging and frankly disheartening of my life.  K has undergone more medical coverage than I would have ever thought.  We have lost a child just 13 weeks into knowing its existence and we are trying to find our moorings.

The most amazing thing is that K and I have been talking constantly.  We are in communication, on the same page.  We have been supported by our new community here in Fort Worth.  We have been loved and cared for by many, and we are grateful for God's amazing grace in the midst of loss.

This week has sucked beyond measure, been marked by gifts of grace, times of patience and times of great anxiety.  I give thanks, that tomorrow the sun will rise and that God will be there.  Romans 8.


  1. this post was actually written on 1/10/11, just delayed publishing it until others knew of our loss.

  2. When I had my miscarriage, that was the first blog post I ever wrote. It felt good to get some things written down. A couple of which I never posted, just left as drafts.

  3. My love and heart go out to you both. I'm here for you if you need anything. *hugs*

  4. Erik, we extend our sympathies and prayers of support. May the Lord bless and uphold you through this time.

  5. I am positive that the Lord will bless you and Kendra again. Stay strong E.
